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Blod Bowl

Danish version, for english version see below.

MidtCon Blood Bowl

En turnering afholdt i Mønsted.

Sted & dato
Turneringen foregår lørdag d.12 oktober. turneringsstart vil være kl. 9.00 med kamp start kl 10.00

Gametime vil være 2½ timer for hver kamp.

Tidsplan :
9.00 Registrering
10.00 Kamp 1
12:30 Frokostpause
13:00 Kamp 2
15:30 lille pause
15:45 Kamp 3
18:15 Aftensmad
19:15 Kamp 4
22:00 Præmie overrækkelse

Mad, overnatning o.lign.
Aftensmad foregår mellem kamp 3 og 4. Overnatning arrangeres ved tilmelding. Drikkevarer og mad kan købes på stedet.

Betaling og tilmeldelse
100 kr.

Pengene for indmeldelse skal indbetales på:
billet link.- husk NAF nick, senest fredag den 4 oktober.

Folk der sender rosters før d. 4 oktober (i god nok til til at rosters bliver checket for om de overholder reglerne) får +2 FF.
Roster kan sendes på mail til Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den.

BB2016 + nyeste Death Zone (for mere information, se turneringsregler fra The NAF: https://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Rules-for-NAF-Tournaments-2019.pdf)
Piling on følger CRP regler.

Oprettelse af hold
Roster til at hjælpe med at lave hold kan downloads her: http://bloodbowl.dk/upload/ATV-Coach-Roster_-2020.xlsx
Man får 1.100.000 gp til at starte et hold og hold lister kan ses her:
https://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/NAF-Team-Lists-v1.5_NO_BG.pdf og her (Brettonians, Daemons of Khorne og Slann) https://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/NAF-Recommended-Teams.pdf

Gobliner kan købe 0-3 Bribes til 50K og Halfling kan købe en Master Chef til 100K.
Andre inducements er ikke tilladt til grundholdet.

Holdene er delt ind efter hvor stærke de anses for at være.

Tier 1:
Amazons, Bretonnians, Chaos dwarf, Dark elf, Dwarf, Lizards, Necromantic, Norse, Undead, Wood elf.
5 skills

Tier 2:
Chaos Pact, Elf union, Orc, Skaven.
6 skills

Tier 3
Chaos, High elf, Human, Khemri, Khorne, Nurgle, Slann, Underworld, Vampires.
6 skills + 1 Guldbarre

Tier 4
Goblin, Halfling, Ogre.
7 skills + 2 Guldbarrer

En guldbarre giver en af nedenstående muligheder og valget markeres på rosteret (fx. Guldbarre: +2 skills).
2 ekstra normal skills til holdet.
1 ekstra “double” skill til holdet.
1 ekstra normal skill, som gives til en spiller der allerede har en ekstra skill.
+ 40k til at købe hold for.
Tilladelse til at købe en starplayer som skrives på holdets roster som normalt. Holdet skal dog have minimum 11 spillere før køb af stars og to hold med samme stars mister ikke sin star til kampen.


Vi spiller uden post-match procedures og derved uden winnings og spillerindkøb osv. Alle skader og SPPs på dit hold annulleres efter hver kamp. Man starter således hver kamp med de samme spillere på rosteren.
Team Value stiger ikke ved skill-tildeling.
Sæt en lille mærkat på spillerens base, så man kan se, hvem der har fået hvilke skills. Gerne et klistermærke, hvorpå skills står
skrevet (fx. block).


Turneringen består af 4 runder. I første runde trækkes en tilfældig modstander, og derefter køres efter swiss-draw-princippet. Man får 2 points for en sejr, 1 for uafgjort og 0 for et nederlag (-1 hvis man udebliver fra en kamp, som man iøvrigt så vil tabe 0-2 i både TD og cas). Ved pointlighed sorteres først efter Opponent score og derefter efter bedste
(TD+cas) netto-score. Herefter TDs for og til sidst Cas for.

Maling og figurer
Det er ikke et krav, at der spilles med malede figurer (men vi opfordrer til det). De hold, som af dommerstaben vurderes som malet (dvs. at alle figurer og baser er malet i en tilstrækkelig standard), vil få +1 FF.
Bruger du proxy figurer (fx. bruger Human som Woodelf) kan du aldrig få denne malebonus).

Det er heller ikke et krav, at figurerne skal være originale Games Workshop Blood Bowl figurer. Dog skal figurernes positioner være let genkendelige fra hinanden. Dommerstaben vurderer også her om du har et fedt tema, eller om dit hold skal tælle som proxyfigurer.

Vi opfordrer til at bruge farvekodede baser. Dvs. grå/sort/ingen farve til linemen, rød til blitzers, grøn til blockers, hvid til throwers og gul til catchers. Hvis din modstander ikke kan genkende de forskellige spillere fra hindanden, SKAL du lade ham makere
dem på en måde, så han kan (uden dog at figuren bliver beskadigt). Der findes små farvede klistermærker man kan bruge.

på nuværende tidspunkt er der følgende præmier.
pokaler til 1.st, 2.nd og 3.rd pladsen.
Der tilkommer yderligere præmier, når spillet når de 10 deltagere.

Vi ses
Niels, Tommy, Topper og Peter

Køb billet online her. Pris 100 Dkk.

English version

A tournament held in Moensted.

Location & Date The tournament will take place on Saturday, October 12th.

tournament start will be at. 9.00 am with the match starting at 10.00 am  Gametime will be 2½ hours for each match.

Time schedule :

9.00 Registration

10.00 Match 1

12:30 Lunch break

13:00 Match 2

15:30 little break

15:45 Match 3

18:15 Dinner

19:15 Match 4

22:00 Prize ceremony Food, accommodation and beer.

Dinner takes place between matches 3 and 4.

Accommodation is arranged upon registration.

Drinks and food can be purchased at the cafeteria.

Payment and registration  15€.

The funds for registration must be paid into: ticket link.- remember NAF nick, no later than Friday 4 October.

People who send rosters before October 4 (in good enough for rosters to be checked for compliance) get +2 FF.

Roster can be sent by email to Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den.

Ground rules BB2016 + latest Death Zone (for more information, see tournament rules from The NAF: https://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Rules-for-NAF-Tournaments-2019.pdf)

Piling on follows CRP rules.

Creating teams Roster to help make teams can downloads here: http://bloodbowl.dk/upload/ATV-Coach-Roster_-2020.xlsx

You get 1,100,000 gp to start a team and team lists can be seen here: https://www.thenaf.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/NAF-Team-Lists-v1.5_NO_BG.pdf and here (Brettonians, Daemons of Khorne and Slann)

https: //www.thenaf. net / wp-content / uploads / 2018/11 / NAF-recommended-Teams.pdf

Goblins can buy 0-3 Bribes for 50K and Halfling can buy a Master Chef for 100K.

Other inducements are not allowed to the basic team.

The teams are divided into how strong they are considered.

Tier 1: Amazons, Bretonnians, Chaos dwarf, Dark eleven, Dwarf, Lizards, Necromantic, Norse, Undead, Wood eleven. 5 skills

Tier 2: Chaos Pact, Elf union, Orc, Skaven. 6 skills

Tier 3 Chaos, High elf, Human, Khemri, Khorne, Nurgle, Slann, Underworld, Vampires. 6 skills + 1 Gold bars Tier 4 Goblin, Halfling, Ogre. 7 skills + 2 Gold bars Gold Barre A gold bullion gives one of the options below and the choice is marked on the roast (eg gold bars: +2 skills).

2 extra normal skills for the team. 1 extra "double" skill to the team.

1 extra normal skill given to a player who already has an extra skill.

+ 40k to buy team for.

Permission to purchase a starplayer written on the team's roster as normal.

However, the team must have a minimum of 11 players before the purchase of stars and two teams with the same stars will not lose their star for the match.

Team development We play without post-match procedures and thereby without winnings and player purchases, etc.

All injuries and SPPs on your team are canceled after each match.

You start each match with the same players on the roster.

Team Value does not increase by skill allocation.

Put a small sticker on the player's base so you can see who got what skills.

Like a sticker on which skills stand written (eg block). tournament The tournament consists of 4 rounds.

In the first round, a random opponent is drawn and then run according to the swiss-draw principle.

You get 2 points for a win, 1 for a draw and 0 for a defeat (-1 if you fail from a match, which you will lose 0-2 in both TD and cas).

At scoring, the first is sorted by Opponent score and then by best (TD + cas) net score. Then TDs for and finally Cas for.

Paint and figures Playing with painted figures is not a requirement (but we encourage it).

The teams that are judged by the judiciary to be painted (ie all figures and bases are painted in a sufficient standard) will receive +1 FF.

If you use proxy characters (eg using Human as Woodelf) you can never get this template bonus.

Nor is it a requirement that the characters be original Games Workshop Blood Bowl characters.

However, the positions of the figures must be easily recognizable from each other.

The judicial staff also assesses here whether you have a cool theme or whether your team should count as proxy characters.

We encourage you to use color-coded bases. Ie gray / black / no color for the linemen, red for flashers, green for blockers, white for throwers and yellow for catchers.

If your opponent cannot recognize the various players from the obstacle, you MUST leave him spouses them in a way that he can (without, however, damaging the figure).

There are small colored stickers you can use.

At present there are the following prizes. trophy for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

Additional prizes are added when the game reaches the 10 participants.

See you

Niels, Tommy, Topper and Peter

Buy Tickets Online Here. Price 50€.
