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Flames Of War

Danish version, for english version see below.

Den 12-13 oktober i Mønsted (tæt ved viborg)
Der spilles late war på 100 point. ”Red vs. Blue”.
16-20 deltagere.
Alle nye late war bøger frem til 1. oktober 2019 er tilladte, det være sig ”Fortress Europe”, ”D-day Americans” etc.
Det er en Red vs. Blue turnering, hvor meningen med turneringen er at introducere de nye late war bøger til turnering/campaign scenen i DK.
Der bruges battleplans til at afgøre mission og attacker/defender.


Det vil være en turnering der foregår henover 2 dage i forbindelse med Midtcon.
Der vil være præmier til 1. 2 og 3 pladsen. Derudover vil der være en præmie til det flotteste spillebord, hvilket betyder at du som spiller har mulighed for at medbringe dit eget terræn. Der vil være stillet borde og plader op, men du står selv for terrænet.
Fra Midtcons side vil der også være stillet terræn til rådighed, således at de borde som ikke bliver opstillet af en deltager, bliver beklædt med terræn.
Så det er din mulighed for at vise dit fede terræn frem (Stalingrad, Berlin, Carentan, Monte cassino etc)
Der er mulighed for at få et gratis dice tray med det officielle logo fra det danske Flames of War ETC hold.
Det får du såfremt at du tilmelder dig som ”early bird” inden søndag den 1 september.
Derudover er der nogle flotte trofæer og håneretten for de øverste på podiet.
Selve arrangementet koster 350 kr inkl. Mad.
Hvilket inkluderer.
Aftensmad lørdag.
Morgenmad søndag.
Frokost er for egen regning da der er flere forskellige figurspil i gang og alle spiser ikke på samme tid.
Der medbringes luftmadras, Ligge underlag og toilet grej til at kunne overnatte i sovesalen i forbindelse med turneringen.
Der er mulighed for at sove i hallen fra fredag den 11. oktober for en 50 kr.
Der bliver solgt sodavand/øl mm. I kantinen.

Plan for turneringen.
Lørdag den 12. oktober.
09.00-09.45 Check in (her klargøres ens hær og evt. sovegrej)
0945-10.00 Velkomst og introduktion.
10.00-13.15 1. runde
1315-14.00 frokost.
1400-17.15 2. runde.
1715-1815 aftensmad.
1815-21.15 3. runde.
21.15-00.00? Øl og hygge.
08.30-09.15 Morgenmad.
09.15-1230 4. runde.
1230-1315 Frokost.
1315-16.30 5 runde.
16.30-17.30 Præmieoverrækkelse, oprydning og tak for i år.

Billetter bookes via dette link 

Køb billetter her. Pris 350 kr.

Dernæst trykker man deltager på begivenheden.

Vær opmærksom på at du skal skrive i tråden omkring hvilken faktion du spiller. Sådan at jeg kan tilsikre et lige antal deltagere.

TO/Marshall : Kristian Kenneth Lyngvald.

English version

October 12-13 in Mønsted (close to Viborg)

Late war is played at 100 points. ”Red vs. Blue ".

16-20 participants.

All new late war books until October 1, 2019 are allowed, be it "Fortress Europe", "D-day Americans" etc.

It's a Red vs. Blue tournament where the meaning of the tournament is to introduce the new late war books to the tournament / campaign scene in DK.

Battleplans are used to determine mission and attack / defender.


It will be a tournament that takes place over 2 days in connection with Midtcon.

There will be prizes for 1st and 2nd place.

In addition, there will be a prize for the best game table, which means that you as a player have the opportunity to bring your own terrain.

Tables and plates will be set up, but you stand for the terrain yourself.

From Midtcon's side there will also be provided terrain so that the tables that are not set up by a participant will be covered with terrain.

So it's your opportunity to show off your cool terrain (Stalingrad, Berlin, Carentan, Monte cassino etc)

It is possible to get a free dice tray with the official logo from the Danish Flames of War ETC team.

You get that if you sign up as "early bird" before Sunday, September 1st.

In addition, there are some great trophies and the right to the top of the podium.

The event itself costs 55€ incl. Food. Which includes. Dinner Saturday. Breakfast Sunday.

Lunch is at your own expense as there are several different figurative games going on and everyone does not eat at the same time.

Air mattress is brought along, Lying underneath and toilet can be used to stay in the dormitory in connection with the tournament.

It is possible to sleep in the hall from Friday 11 October for a price of 8€. Soft drinks / beer etc are sold. In the cafeteria.

Plan for the tournament.

Saturday, October 12th. 09.00-09.45 Check in (here one prepares one's army and possibly sleeping bag)

09.45-10.00 Welcome and introduction.

10.00-13.15 1st round

1315-14.00 lunch.

14.00-17.15 2nd round.

17.15-18.15 dinner.

1815-21.15 3rd round.

9:15 p.m. to 12:00? Beer and coziness.

08.30-09.15 Breakfast.

09.15-12.30 4th round.

12.30-13.15 Breakfast.

1315-16.30 5 round.

16.30-17.30 Prize giving, clean-up and thanks for this year.

Tickets are booked through this link

Buy Tickets Online Here. Price 50€.

Next, press participant at the event.

Please note that you must write in the thread about which faction you are playing.

That way I can assure an equal number of participants.

TO / Marshall: Kristian Kenneth Lyngvald.
